Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Yukon squats
460 x 7+3 (PR)
320 x 21
25 lb kb pull-overs x 20

* Racked it, felt I had more, then hit 3. Can't say I regret doing a pit-stop at 7 because I've been benefiting greatly by being cautious with my back, so rest-pausing was the perfect answer. Give the back a chance to deload but still take the legs to their limit. I will do this more.

* Was roughly aiming for 320x25 but the 21st rep was a real fight not to fold in half. Happy with the effort. Have to keep in mind I just did deadlifts and squats the day before yesterday, and it's just awesome I can rep what I did today so soon after that. I have not been slacking on ab work but I would love to try hitting abs more intensely and see how much that increases my ability to stay standing. Bar walkouts too - I'm thinking with 600.

I don't have a whole lot of time before I end my gaining phase. I absolutely need a diet break soon.
EDIT: Came inside, made a protein shake, dropped off the cat who was in the gym with me (see fig. 1), and then went back to do something about my unacceptably comfortable hamstrings

Fig. 1

Reverse hyper leg curls:
295 x 30
Super-set with reverse hyper leg extensions
295 x 30

First time I felt like these movements REALLY hit the target muscle. Key is to go heavy enough and resist the eccentric as soon as the peak is reached since the apparatus wants to swing back and forth to your gravitational advantage. Hammies were blown up and I had to pause before getting off because I was unsure my legs would even support me. I can hit another round of this after work along with abs.

Leaving for a trip to Portland tomorrow with George to see a grade-school friend who lives there. Haven't been back in 8 years. Kind of emotionally rocky but I'm set on not letting that ruin travel, as a principle. 

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