Friday, July 29, 2022
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Yesterday was a good cardio day. Woke-up at 6:20 from my cat (he's been stirring me up about 15 min before my alarm every morning, which I actually appreciate) and hit 50 burpees combined with jumping-jacks, shadow kickboxing, and the exercise bike for a 10-minute workout. The cat plays with me whenever I do this in the morning, running around and tagging my arms when they're on the ground during burpees and then sprinting away. We have the same routine of wake-up, train, then eat.
After work, I took two chocolate-covered espresso bean edibles and ended up going on a nearly 2-hour run to the park and back. It was some great sight-seeing, as well as a change of pace by doing LISS cardio for that long. It made my body tired but it wasn't hard at all. Afterwards, I came home and enjoyed the hell out of half a smoothie with orange juice, spinach, blueberries, and strawberries.
Then, around 8:30pm, I swam 5 laps in the pool, which I've been doing regularly but haven't been logging.
Monday, July 25, 2022
* As my body gets more warmed-up I can really, truly sink my leg into itself and get a deep lunge, ala the way kneesovertoesguy does them for his knee health movement. With weight, it makes lunges MUCH harder.
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Sunday, July 17, 2022
On Friday I log viper pressed 170 x 3, 3, 5, then a set of 6 with just a clean on the first rep. Deadlifted 485x5 after in a 2-rep improvement over last week. Really good session.
At night I went on a run and by the time I came back my knee was bothering me to the point of limping. It did not get better the next day and I had to cancel a planned hike with my friends. Instead, I wore my SBD knee sleeve the whole day and we went to Crab Cove beach. The sleeve helped tremendously to the point where my limp and pain level declined as the day wore on. I also got some great swimming done in the ocean, fighting against the waves (they were small enough that I could power-swim through them, it's a really shallow and calm beach even when the waters are choppy).
Cheated on my diet and engorged my share of an X-large pizza afterwards, no regrets there. Woke-up today and my knee feels fine.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Diet has been strict all week so I'm having a calorie-up day. I've stopped calling it a cheat day because this is not a diet break or a period of eating for pleasure; I'm actively trying to stuff myself for anabolic purposes. I don't even crave sweets like I do on other days because I'm so adept at making food seem miserable, so I can't even fully enjoy a dessert like I would if I was carb-deprived.
I also don't do this every single week anymore. Some weeks when I have more social outings and I eat more carbs I won't feel a purpose to, so I'll skip that week.
Drank part of a homemade weightgainer shake in the morning and packed the rest of it with my ground bison with veggies and avocado for work.
Friday, July 8, 2022
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Log viper press (clean each rep)
155 x 5, 5, 6
Super-set with chins x 10
Barbell clean once and press
135 x 10
Super-set with chins x 10
Deficit deadlifts
225 x 20
Back had just started to recover again. I probably could have continued my deadlift progression, gotten all the reps, then would wake-up with an injured back the next day, so instead went for high reps with a deep ROM and light weight. The right move.