Monday, July 25, 2022

SSB alternating lunges 
150 x 16, 16
170 x 12
Superset with good mornings
150 x 8, 8
170 x 8
* As my body gets more warmed-up I can really, truly sink my leg into itself and get a deep lunge, ala the way kneesovertoesguy does them for his knee health movement. With weight, it makes lunges MUCH harder.

Incline bench
185 x 8, 10
Close grip: 185 x 7, 10, 8
Super-set with weighted chinups
50 x 8, 10, 8, 10, 8

Tricep extensions, curls

Took a couple of double-bi pictures post-workout. Currently hovering around 202 lbs., loaded on creatine.


  1. It's wild how long you've maintained such a solid physique. The consistency of effort pays off. Great stuff dude.

    1. High appreciate that. My diet being cleaned up makes a difference. Now even in calorie-up phases I just plain try to eat better. And same goes to you!

  2. Not sure why my comment got selected as anonymous but that is indeed me, haha.
