Arm started hurting again from log pressing yesterday. Only made it up to 195x4 (no leg drive, strict pressing) despite cleaning only the first rep. To be clear, though, I got the log up, just couldn't press past 4 reps. I'm astonished that my performance on the log matches or is even a bit worse than my axle press. It does feel like I need to keep repositioning the thing on me constantly, and that kills momentum compared to the up and down automation of a straight bar.
Came back at night in the rain to axle press 160x3x8 along with some band-resisted dumbbell pressing for my chest.
Today was crazy. Never gotten so many calls from my boss before, and I was pretty much coordinating and filling things out the whole afternoon while trying to make a max squat session work. It did, but between working on my phone between sets, talking to my boss, and then eating because shit was taking long and I wanted enough fuel, merely building up to the money set took over 2 hours. But hey, the real work was done in a compact-enough amount of time to be challenging.
Up to 510x2
Drop-set down to 405x6
Got interrupted with a work call, took care of that and then restarted the strip sets.
I could have gotten 510x3 but my right shoe felt unstable from the wet patio paver due to rain. Going to workout a safety catch mechanism for next session, probably using the kegs if I can't find anything to buy.
Gonna return at night (probably in the rain) to do good mornings and abs. Sucks to have more lifting waiting for me after spending so long in the trenches today but I get to have everything I want done thanks to a home gym, I should be grateful for that.
After pulling teeth to get the last two Sundays off for these birthday excursions I'm probably going to have to settle for having picked my battles and just not do friend stuff this weekend because of work. They're planning an early hike on Sunday about 2 hours from me and I work in-person until 12. I don't have a day off and while I'm not fatigued I want at least one break during the week to do fun crap.