Bench press
Work-up to 225 x 3
Work-up to 225 x 3
2-board press
315 x 1
370 x 0
370 x 0
335 x 2
345 x 2
Incline Swiss bar bench press
165 x 10
185 x 8
205 x 6
165 x 13
Kroc rows
125 x 30
Lying rear-delt flyes
15s x 20, 20, 15
Super-set with dumbbell curls
50s x 8, 8
35s x 10
Hammer curls
35s x 3 x 10
Switched to board pressing because my shoulders still feel fried from that max effort bench press workout last weekend. Got up to 225 on the bench press before I switched.
Just barely missed pressing 370. Bar got stuck for a few seconds just before lockout before it came back down. I would have had it if my shoulders felt fresher.
With that said, there has been a lot of max effort grinding the past few weeks during these feast-heavy holidays. It's been fun and I've gotten stronger, but I'll be scaling that back. Returning to the boxing gym this week. Speaking of boxing, I missed recording a couple of home training sessions, but one involved 4-minute rounds of shadowboxing with 3 lb weights when I should have been giving my shoulders a break, haha.
This week will be a deload. Body needs it.