Yesterday I did a 70-second dead hang from the pull-up bars at lunch. I feel my endurance increasing and a minute is no longer challenging. Worth noting that these bars are a lot thicker than the bar I do pull-ups with at home. Harder to grip but feels easier on the elbows, which is a good combination.
At home:
5 minute shadowboxing round with oxygen-restriction mask
3x 5-minute rounds on the heavy bag with 30 seconds of rest, last round with headgear and mouthpiece
Wanted to give my shoulders a break, so instead of doing more push-ups or other ways to pre-exhaust my arms for heavy bag rounds, I increased the rounds to 5 minutes for an added challenge.
I have to say that it's great my shoulders are feeling better, but having the right one hurt has done wonders for my right hook. I've been forced to practice moving my whole body into it in order to throw it without any shoulder pain and it's a much stronger punch now.
I've also been reading Angelo Dundee's (trainer to Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, and 90's George Foreman among others) autobiography, My View From the Corner and it's a 10/10. Lots of interesting stories and perspectives.
Just got back from my lunch break where I did another 70-second dead hang on the pull-up bars.
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