Monday, September 30, 2024

I've been a little sick and rather nauseous, so I resisted the urge to lift on Thursday and Friday and just relaxed.


Incline bench press 
205 x 7, 8, 7, 6

Lying dumbbell rows 
115s x 8, 9, 9, 9

Incline dumbbell press 
80s x 2 x 10
Super-set with lying lat flyers
35s x 2 x 10

Incline skullcrushers 
50s x 7, 7
Super-set with alternating side curls 
50s x 2 x 16

Seeing significant gains on incline bench. Was aiming for 6 reps across the board, with 5 as an acceptable fallback since I'm sick. Bar felt very light in my hands, but by set 4 fatigue finally set in.


505 x 5

Romanian deadlifts
315 x 2 x 8

Single dumbbell split squats
100 x 3 x 10

Russian twists
35 x 30

Weighted decline twist crunches
50 x 10, 15

Went out to a pumpkin patch afterwards and had an awesome end to my weekend there. Shot mini pumpkins out of a rocket launcher and had an overpriced but delicious burger from a BBQ stand.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

 Got to spar yesterday. Officially it was "shadowbox sparring" but 2 out of my 3 partners ignored that.

First opponent was a young guy about my height. Constantly circled to his left so my rights kept intercepting. When he'd try to react and switch direction, he walked into my left hook. I was barely touching him because he was going appropriately light, so this was basically point sparring.

Second opponent was the big guy I've worked with before who definitely did not point spar, but while he made contact more solidly than the coach instructed, I didn't mind at all. They weren't asshole punches but around what I expect when we're supposed to go at 50%. He's the tallest guy I've ever sparred at around 6'4 and I was having trouble landing to his head. His jab was long but my guard was tight. Coach instructed me to hit the body more, which was a reminder I needed. I was hitting his body so easily at first that I tried to be "fair" while also challenging myself to go for his head, but I'd be better served in that goal precisely by hammering the body. The goal is to find openings: exploit them, don't be nice. I also need to extend my jab more when sparring, I have more reach to give. 

Third opponent was another young guy who was my height, but more skilled than the first partner and someone who also connected at around 50% so I matched him. Same tactic - he kept circling in the same direction and I kept intercepting. Thought I'd shaken the bad habit of asking people if they're OK but he totally ate a left hook that he moved into that prompted a check-up from me and I was conscious that we were supposed to point spar. He landed good ones of his own and kept a very good guard.

We switched partners after sparring to work on some simple drills: 1-2 to the body, then a 3 that we ducked, and afterwards, ducking left and right hooks in succession. 

Something that's been really bothering me are my sinuses. I'm having to blow my nose every break we get. Will look into natural remedies, meds, and nose strips, probably in that order.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 Yesterday morning I upgraded to 25 lb Turkish get-ups for 5 reps. After work, I did a 1-minute head hang for my achey shoulder and then some brief misery training yesterday. Breath restriction mask, 3 lb dumbbells, and a 4-minute shadowboxing round. Couldn't rip the mask off fast enough to get some air when the round was over and I stopped moving, although DURING the round I felt OK.

I debated for awhile before rebuying a mask and ultimately decided I benefit from it too much to ignore. I don't pretend it simulates elevation training or has an effect on red blood cells; it simply trains me to stay calm and psychologically deal with being gassed, which is invaluable in sparring. One of my bad habits, especially when rusty, is overreacting to the opponent and getting twitchy instead of staying calm.

I need to take a picture next time because I looked like a Mortal Kombat wannabe with my ninja mask and neon blue "tonfas" (hand weights). My edgelord 17-year-old self would have been proud (and then snapped pictures for Myspace).

Had plans for more rounds but hunger hit me and since this is a season of gaining, I went to eat some steak and rice instead. Went on a 45-minute walk afterwards. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

450 x 3 (low bar)
Drop-down to 405x3, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8 (high bar)

Single-leg reverse hyper curls
3 plates x 10, 15, 15

Russian twists
25 x 20

Hanging leg raises

Weighted crunches
25 x 15

450 went up easy. 405x3 with the high bar positioning was more of a struggle.

Did a good job with low bar shelving tonight after watching how Layne Norton squats. Figured out a configuration to relieve stress off the elbow by warming up with band pull-aparts and bringing my hands in close rather than farther out on the bar to get a really packed upper back. It creates a little more wrist strain for me so I wrapped my wrists up, but this is the first time I can remember that my elbow didn't hurt at all from squatting low bar. Bar  feels way more secure on my back with my hands in, too.

Switching to high bar on the fly continues to be interesting. I expected the sensation of falling forward this time and pushed back more from the start. Such a quad killer.

After training last night, I brought my 25 lb kettlebell in the living room and this morning I updated my

Monday, September 23, 2024

 2-board press
365 x 1

Weighted push-ups
105 x 4 x 10

Kroc rows
125 x 25

Did this after a hike. Very happy with pressing 365, hard as it was. Left shoulder was aching in the work-up sets of full ROM bench pressing (when board pressing, I typically bench until 275 before switching to the partial ROM), so rather than a bench variation for the assistance work I went with push-ups.

Boxing on Friday went well. Practiced on pushing a close or clinched opponent away with a shoulder shove. 

Saturday was a rest day. Felt crummy from bad sleep. I also spent this weekend dog sitting for a co-worker. The constant driving back-and-forth was annoying, but everytime I actually arrived at the destination I had a fun time with the dogs and got in some good agility training with the younger German shepherd.

The hike was at a wildlife refuge with lots of birds and wide open marshlands. Very different from a narrow forest trail hike. I felt all the stress from the week wash away during the trek.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Happy 20th anniversary to this training log! It was the 9/19, so even though I'm typing this on 9/20 the workout was done on the actual day. That's a long time. So far, my arms are well short of the 30-inch biceps I should have with this amount of lifting. For the next 20 years, my goal will be much more realistic: 40" biceps to signify 40 years of training.

Squats (high bar)
325 x 15

Incline bench press
185 x 10, 10, 7, 8
Super-set with lying dumbbell rows
115s x 4 x 8

Spider curls
50s x 3 x 12

Drove a lot for work today and back was feeling stiff. I had plans to reach 315 x 18, but adding reps really tests my back stability so I opted to lower it down to 15 and increase the weight instead. I was feeling tired and just a few reps in I felt ready to shut it down if my back started hurting, but as usual, I was able to keep going.

My left shoulder has been hurting a little so I reset the bench weight down to 185 to go for higher reps and an extra set. I've been doing Turkish get-ups with 15 lbs that I haven't been recording and they've been helping, but I should do dead hangs more consistently.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


190 x 3
135 x 4 x 10

Bw x 10
50 x 3 x 10

1-minute chin-up

20 axle curls (30 lbs) for elbow rehab

5 lb increase on that top set. Slowly getting stronger. Despite the increase in carbs, the scale says I haven't gained any weight. We'll see what these rib and ground beef Costco lasagnas have to say about that. I'm looking to gain for fall, but more slowly and with less sugar than last year. Whereas before I was eating 2 eggs in egg whites and bone broth for breakfast first thing in the morning and then 3 eggs in the same concoction for a mid-morning meal, today I had 5 eggs first thing and eggs mid-morning at the office. Thank goodness for Costco.

Tuesday boxing:

Noticed one bigger guy being very intense during shadowboxing and throwing hard punches, so I asked him to partner up during drills. One person would stay against the wall and defend while the striker throws any 4 shots, pivots to either side, and throws a hook. After some variations on this, we held mitts and donned the shield. Dude had great power but slowed down very dramatically. Credit to him for not being one of those people who stop to catch their breath, though. 

Afterwards he goes "Not gonna lie, your punches made my shoulders hurt from holding for you" and I told him "You say it, I'll say it: mine too!" We had a laugh and he asked me how I "get veins to show", which is something people fixate on far more than arm size.

Friday, September 13, 2024

 This update is basically going to cover the work week.

Returned to the boxing gym on Tuesday after a 1-week hiatus. After 3 rounds of shadowboxing, we partnered up for several drills. The one I remember: 1 person throws jabs, other defends and occasionally counters with a 1-2, original striker responds with 1-2-3 when that happens. I partnered with someone I have a good rapport with and has a powerful right hand. This hyped me up to really blast the mitts and later the shield when it was my turn. Felt tired but didn't slow down. 

Returned for Wednesday's class, which was shadowboxing, rounds on the bag, and a fitness circuit including battle ropes, med ball slams, kettlebell squats, and more. No partner work.

Felt surprisingly sore in my hamstrings from those 100 kb swings earlier in the week. Back has also been hurting this week, but as of Friday it's feeling a lot better.

Despite back pain, I was able to squat without issue last night.

Squats (high bar)
315 x 17

Kb pullovers
25 x 20

Incline bench press
200 x 7, 8, 7

Bodyweight x 12
50 x 8, 8

Spider curls
50s x 3 x 12, 12, 10

Rewatched the Muhammad Ali documentary When We Were Kings afterwards before bed. Old favorite.

Also got some training stuff in the mail: 2 new bands and a couple of 3 lb hand weights for shadowboxing.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 Ended up having a total rest day yesterday except in the morning before work: 50 band pull-aparts and 5 Turkish get-ups. Also did some yoga and banded reverse hypers using the couch as an anchor for an exercise band in the evening. Just felt like I needed to rest and recuperate. I trained hard Friday night and Saturday morning, got little sleep over the weekend due to my internal clock not allowing me to sleep past 8am, and I've been experiencing headaches in the back of my skull as a result. 

Went to bed early last night and got very good sleep, then went out in the gym at about 6:40 am.

1-minute dead hang
100 swings with 50 lb kettlebell
10 ab wheel reps (5 lying, 5 standing)

Feeling refreshed and ready for boxing.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

2-board press
360 x 1

Swiss bar incline bench press 
195x3x7, 1x6

Lying dumbbell rows 
115s x 4 x 9

Incline skullcrushers 
50s x 2 x 7
35s x 10

Spider curls
50s x 4 x 10

Pressing 360 was easy. I've been eating more carbs so I figured I've gained some weight this past week, but the scale says I'm the same. I haven't been slacking on the cardio and it's only been a week, but the strength gains are noticeable. 

Back to the boxing gym next week. For today, I'm about to hit the beach to end the weekend.

Friday, September 6, 2024

 Damn, what a night. Was on my feet at work all day and was feeling tired, so I half-heartedly got set-up to squat at 8pm ready to post-pone it until the next day but the lure of the iron won out tonight.

440 x 3
Drop-down to 405 x 3, 315 x 8, 225 x 8, 135 x 8

This felt so much easier than 430 x 3 last time. Used low bar for the top set and high bar for everything else. Very interesting experience. Felt like I was going to fall forward when I switched to high bar. Low bar felt more secure than last time (no sensation of the bar about to fall off my back), but elbow still hurts when I walk the bar back and unrack. Trying really hard not to press my hands into the weight, which feels like the problem for my elbow, but to pull the bar down into me instead. Haven't got it 100% yet. High bar gives my elbow a total break.

Very happy to be getting stronger in the squat again.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Mat pulls (3 mats)
500 x 5

Romanian deadlifts 
315 x 2 x 8

Bulgarian split-squats
80 x 3 x 10

Barbell shrugs
315 x 20

Reverse hyper
200 x 3 x 12

Russian twists
25 x 3 x 20

15 hanging leg raises

Deadlifted in the garage for the first time. The flat ground made it feel like I was cheating. Still capping reps at 5 to keep my back feeling healthy, but I had more in me.

Going to be spending more time today cleaning the space and working on my hybrid indoor/outdoor set-up.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Bench press 
225 x 3
275 x 3
300 x 3

Close-grip bench press 
235 x 8, 8, 8

Meadows rows
90 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Incline dumbbell press 
80s x 10, 10

Keg curls
160 x 12, 12
I'm at a point where I really know my body well and am picking loads that I know for a fact I can hit. 300 was the perfect amount for where I'm at right now. I wanted to go with 315 but reasoned I haven't earned that yet and the way to get there is work back up. 

Still feeling under-the-weather. Was in San Francisco with family yesterday for my cousin's wedding party and I opted to cancel my desire to go out around town afterwards because of my congestion and head pressure. Ate so much high calorie junk food. When we arrived, I scarfed down pizza and Chinese food. People were laughing at how badly my paper plate was sagging from the weight of my portions. Afterwards, we stopped and got steak burritos.

Post-workout shot. Those shorts used to be tight on me.