Tuesday, September 24, 2024

450 x 3 (low bar)
Drop-down to 405x3, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8 (high bar)

Single-leg reverse hyper curls
3 plates x 10, 15, 15

Russian twists
25 x 20

Hanging leg raises

Weighted crunches
25 x 15

450 went up easy. 405x3 with the high bar positioning was more of a struggle.

Did a good job with low bar shelving tonight after watching how Layne Norton squats. Figured out a configuration to relieve stress off the elbow by warming up with band pull-aparts and bringing my hands in close rather than farther out on the bar to get a really packed upper back. It creates a little more wrist strain for me so I wrapped my wrists up, but this is the first time I can remember that my elbow didn't hurt at all from squatting low bar. Bar  feels way more secure on my back with my hands in, too.

Switching to high bar on the fly continues to be interesting. I expected the sensation of falling forward this time and pushed back more from the start. Such a quad killer.

After training last night, I brought my 25 lb kettlebell in the living room and this morning I updated my

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