Had a friend over yesterday when I needed to get my mat pull session in. Historically I find that friend workouts can be distracting, but this was really productive. I put earbuds in for the max set, which I'm going to do everytime a guest is with me because it makes all the difference in getting me into my own place and exerting a full effort. Mat pulled 550x6 (1 rest pause) off 3 mats.
My knees have been hurting so I'm taking a break from belt squats. They might not actually be the sole culprit, it could just be parallel squatting in general. I heard about this Instagram dude "kneesovertoesguy" who specializes in exercises for healthy knees and it gave me a reminder to do deep squats for them, so I did 200-220 lb SSB ATG squats after the deads. And I swear this was the first night in awhile that my knee pain didn't flare up. I also felt some achiness on the first few reps of the squats and that went away quick. Had my heels propped up on patio tiles with 10 lb plates underneath while doing so. Going to keep these up, I definitely feel better after doing them.