Monday, August 5, 2024

Friday boxing was almost all calisthenics after the usual rounds of skipping rope and shadowboxing. Alternated between many rounds of medicine ball burpees, plyo push-ups, and dumbbell lateral holds. My shoulders are STILL sore today from that. I'll always prefer classes where I actually learn how to box, but I think it's good for me to suffer through something I don't want to do and I signed up for the same Friday class this week, along with 2 other technique days. Ended the class doing bagwork, which is always a good challenge to push through after exhausting the muscles. 

Saturday was a rest day. Went out for a bomb Italian restaurant dinner.


Mat pulls (5)
500 x 5

Walked to the gym immediately after:

Leg press
4, 5, 6, 7 plates x 10

Lying leg curls
130 x 3 x 10

Leg extension
130 x 12
200 x 10

Hanging leg raises
2 x 10

Cable ab twists x 20

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