Wednesday, July 24, 2024

165 x 5
135 x 4 x 8

Super-set with weighted chin-ups
50 x 4 x 8

35s x 8, 11

Super-set with keg curls
160 x 20, 15

Knowing that my pressing power is down, I picked what I figured I can get for 5. I was right to go with 165, but the 5th was one helluva fight to get lockout. No belt or wraps, as I didn't feel justified using them on weight this low.

Recently developed an abscess on my upper-back, near the teres minor, that is tender to touch and resembles a spider bite. Going to take a picture and monitor its progress daily to make sure it's not staph. As unlikely as that is at a boxing gym, my skin does come into contact with the floor when we do ab exercises so better safe than sorry.

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