Monday, July 22, 2024

Friday boxing was a good session. Coach Hashim says he sees a lot of good power coming from me but I need to be more consistent twisting my upper-body more when throwing straights. He also mentioned after class that he was watching me hit the bag and noticed that I tend to come up on my toes too much with left hooks and uppercuts sometimes, throwing my balance off. Reminds me of when I've been told in Muay Thai not too jump into my high kicks. 

Took Saturday completely off. Was feeling beat to hell after boxing on Friday. Not because the session was particularly hard, but I hadn't slept well and training fatigue from the week felt like it had been accumulating. Also felt like my body was fighting off illness - throat was a little sore and chest felt inflamed. Intended to relax at night playing PSO but could barely stay awake and crashed at 11pm. Slept in until 10 the next morning and got around to relaxing with some videogames and doing housework. Went to George's in the PM and watched The Beekeeper, which was ridiculous but good fun. Wasn't done when I came home at 3am: I booted up Metal Gear Solid and reveled in the nostalgia and just how damn good it still is.


Matt pulls (6)
500 x 5

315 x 10

SSB squats
240 x 2 x 10

Hise shrugs
290 x 2 x 10

200 x 2 x 10

Russian twists x 3 x 20

Ab wheel
10 standing reps

I’ve been doing more twisting ab exercises per Jamie Lewis’ recommendation that they’re good for back health. They help train punching power, too. My back has continued to feel excellent and I kept the supplemental exercises light to keep it that way.

Weighed 191.7 in the morning, about 4 lbs more than my dehydrated weight at the end of a hot day after boxing.

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