Saturday, July 6, 2024

 Had a great boxing session yesterday with a substitute coach. Did some partner shadowboxing and got scratched in the face (sidenote: this guy happens to be the uncle of my old Muay Thai coach). During this, the coach singled me out and asked me to only jab so my partners could keep up. Donned gloves and did some rounds of trading simple combos with a partner, choosing to block, parry, or slip. One training partner who I've developed a good rapport with asked me to partner up in the ring and we spent the round pushing against each other trading upper-cuts and hooks.

Happy to report that my back has been doing well. Got in a squat session today.

SSB squats
330 x 7, 8, 7

SSB front squats
200 x 10

Romanian deadlifts
225 x 8, 10

Hanging leg raises
10, 15

Ab wheel
5 reps kneeling, 3 standing

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