Wednesday, March 1, 2023

185 x 8
Super-set with pull-ups
* Press is getting stronger, haven't been able to rep that many in years.

Axle clean once and press away
160 x 8, 9, 10
Super-set with pull-ups
12, 14, 15

Went inside to get away from the rain finally and started with 7 reps of ABCs before having to answer a work call, then continued with 6 more to get 15 total. Right elbow is still in pain, but it's not getting worse, either. Keeping the sleeves on for now, still.

Band-resisted push-ups and kettlebell high pulls 
The brunch cruise over the weekend went much better than last year, when at the time I got called into work and had to cancel the day right after getting off the boat. Ate a lot the first day in SF, but by Sunday my stomach was acting up. The dining that day was off, too. Breakfast was a truly awful bagel with whitefish, which just amounted to very fishy spread and nothing else, and the Chinese dinner in Chinatown was the most underwhelming restaurant in that area I've experienced (not terrible but very bland). Despite the nausea I got enough protein in thanks to Orgain protein shake cartons and a new bag of Chomps grass-fed beefsticks.

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