Friday, February 24, 2023

Woke-up and hit 50 burpees and 50 kettlebell swings before breakfast. Whenever I feel like not training before breakfast because I'm nauseous from how much food I've eaten the night before, I remind myself that forcing through it will make me hungrier and breakfast much more pleasant.

Speaking of last night, ended up doing a living room workout several hours after bench pressing of kettlebell high pulls, which I found work my biceps as well as the traps marvelously, super-set with band-resisted decline push-ups. The push-ups hit my chest hard enough that one pec actually locked up for a second after finishing a set. Tremendously sore today. 

Going to head into the office later to do some management and then prepare for a brunch cruise around the San Francisco Bay early tomorrow for a belated birthday celebration. I definitely did not intend to drag out my birthday this long, but it happened to be when tickets were next available. Gonna eat a lot of good food at the buffet so gotta show up hungry.


  1. That's a fantastic celebration for sure! Agree very much on pre-breakfast training. Great way to get an appetite going.

  2. Thanks man! Fasted training has done wonders for my appetite in the morning, among other things.
