Friday, November 26, 2021


Bench press
255 x 5
290 x 3
325 x 1
Last set super-set with dumbbell rows
100 x 8

Dumbbell press
115s x 8, 8, 7
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115 x 10, 10
125 x 8

A whirlwind of other isolation stuff.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Yukon squatted 435x5 yesterday. Assistance work involved 315 for 3 sets of 8, 9, 10, with the final being a strip-set down to 225, 135, and 45 x 10. Noticed lately my back really tires out on squats. I think it's the bar, which is cool. It's long, I think longer than a typical buffalo bar and more curvy, so it takes more back to keep it steady certainly than a straight bar but in a different way than an SSB.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Log pressed 200x3 yesterday. First two reps were smooth viper presses but had to use leg drive to get the third.

Did a 15 minute home conditioning workout before work today of the usual pattern. This time was 60 non-stop burpees.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Up to 205 lbs. Haven't even started making weightgainer shakes yet, but organic milk and toast with almond butter have been staples in my diet this week. Still doing the same amount of cardio, which I should make effort to log more.

Mat pulls (4)
500 x 0, 1
570 x 3 (PR)
500 x 5 (TnG)
* I normally don't write the work-up sets but the false start with 500 was notable. Been keeping about one rep left in the tank on 570 lately, still unsure if that's a good idea or if I should be giving it all every session. 

SSB squats
150 x 25, 20, 20

RKC planks
60 seconds, 30

Swiss ball crunches 

This workout took really long because I had a massive pressure headache after 570 that I waited out before continuing. I've been making efforts to shorten my workouts but I give a pass on this. Next time I think I'll ignore it though. 
Bench press
240 x 3
275 x 3
307.5 x 3
Last set super-set with dumbbell rows
100 x 8

Dumbbell press
115s x 8, 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115 x 8
125 x 8

Friday, November 12, 2021

Didn't make it past my warm-ups today because of work, which was annoying, but next week my schedule should settle into more defined hours. I'll hit my log press session either this evening after work or tomorrow afternoon.

I'm putting a new bed together and am looking forward to seeing what a new mattress does for my back. It's been feeling better lately though. This is kinda funny but last week I watched Usman vs Covington 2, and I noticed before the fight Usman swiveling his hips in a circular motion. Doing that motion during periods I would otherwise be standing still has been making a marked difference.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Got my COVID booster shot yesterday and planned for a total rest day today in anticipation of feeling crummy but I feel nothing besides a sore shoulder. At work as a result. I'll still take the rest, though.

I'm up 5 lbs, at 199. Just been naturally drifting to eating more and more, and I figure why not? I can't find a single competition with openings, and my NorCal meet still has the last update from November 2020 saying they'll reannounce a date. I should get my $150 back, it's been 2 years I'm entered in that.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

 Mat pulls (4)
570 x 0, 0
500 x 9 (TNG)

Front squats/back squats
135 x 5, 5
225 x 5, 5

This is all I had time before between working first job and going to second. Felt kinda lousy about not being able to move 570, but 500x9 is a PR and I knowingly violated my method of longer stretches of recovery because I'm getting my COVID booster shot tonight and I wanted to get in all my training before a planned rest day tomorrow from the side-effects.

 Yesterday did 60 burpees and the rest of my typical living room conditioning workout, primarily with shadow kickboxing to videos, for a total of 22 minutes. Not fasted, was after breakfast.

Went on a jog at night.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Yesterday I had a solid squat sesh with the Yukon bar up to 435x3 with strip-sets of 365x3, 315x7, 225x8, 135x8, and 45x8. Did some banded leg curls and slow sets of 5 on the ab wheel after.

Bench press
225 x 5
255 x 5
290 x 5

Super-set with.dumbbell press
115s x 8, 7, 7

Last four sets of presses superset with dumbbell rows of 115-125 x 8

Incine skullcrushers
35s with Fat Gripz x 10
Without Fat Gripz x 7
Super-set with preacher curls
Same weight x 9, 8

As I type this my hands and forearms are so pumped from the combination of elbow sleeves and fat gripz I can barely press the keys on my phone. 

Okay, post-workout now. Wasn't able to keep up with everything in this log entry but finished up with some rear-delt lat raises and band pressdowns when I went to failure on the skullcrushers. 

Really solid workout. I'm feeling a bit stronger from having gained some weight. Since this just seems to be what's naturally occurring I upped the volume a little but I'm going to be sticking with my practice of more rest days in general since it's having my body feel good. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021


Mat pulls (5)
570 x 4
* Very pleased. Took an extra day of rest and did some stretches and back prehab like reverse band hyperextensions yesterday to have it feeling ready. I could have rest-paused for a 5th and maybe 6th, but I'm purposely leaving a little in the tank. If I can do three reps from the ground I'll be super happy but just two will be a PR.

Belt squats
6 plates x 8
8 plates x 10
Super-set with bodyweight split-squats
5, 8

RKC plank
58 seconds

I'm so over missing reps week after week. Time to have my expectations at a good place and crush workouts again.