Saturday, March 26, 2016

Strict press
195 x 5
220 x 3
247.5 x 1

175 x 9, 8, 8, 8

Lying dumbbell rows
125s x 8, 12, 12, 12, 12

More to come after work.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Did a bodybuilding-style workout for upper-body the day after mat pulls. Incline benching hurt my shoulder but flat benching was fine, surprisingly. I tried a tactic I've heard before of isolation exercises before compounds and it gave me a crazy pump. After 5 sets of skullcrushers super-set with curls I benched 185 lbs for 8-10 reps across 3 sets (super-set with slow bodyweight pull-ups) and some behind-the-neck pressing and lots of chest flyes. Fun.

Managed to do my entire squat workout before work after getting up an hour early. Sad note: I slightly strained my back doing yoga the night before.

SSB squats
330 x 3
380 x 3
425 x 3
Weight felt heavy today so I did the minimum easily. Will go all out next week. Quads have been perpetually sore the last few weeks, maybe go easier on the RE day.

320 x 10, 10, 10
290 x 10

Neck crunches
Forward with band: 25, 25
Backward with 35: 10, 8

Dumbbell lunges
50s x 20

Band leg curls

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mat pulls (9)
530 x 10
Pretty easy. No rest pauses, but will add them next week. Feels shockingly high after spending three weeks deadlifting.

SSB squats
150 x 30, 30, 25

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Strict press
180 x 3
210 x 3
235 x 4 (PR)
Killer, was not expecting to be so strong. Have been warming up my triceps more with band pressdowns lately and they seem to be helping.

175 x 8, 8, 8
155 x 10

Lying dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 12, 12, 12, 12

As usual, will do some isolation stuff after work.

Friday, March 18, 2016

SSB squats
310 x 5
355 x 5
400 x 8

320 x 10

Stopped here for work and finished up the rest at night.

SSB squats
320 x 10, 10

Leg curls

Knee was feeling tender, probably from kneeling on the hard bathroom floor to install a bidet. Didn't do more squat sets because of that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bench press
Up to 275 x 6

225 x 15, 12, 10, 10

10, 12, 20, 15, 20 

More accessory work

Up to 600 x 1 (PR [duh])

It was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. I remember the ascent feeling far longer than the video shows. Still, the feeling of a fight is something I was not able to grit through before. When I had my weak streak, if the weight was coming up too slow my body would just shut down and abort the lift. I mentally had no confidence in the durability of my back. Here, when I felt the strain I KNEW my back wouldn't get hurt. Mat pulls and rest pauses have helped me learn how to grind, especially the latter under fatigue.

Had work after this (15th straight day in a row), so afterwards I trained until about 11:30pm.

SSB squats
31, 30, 30

Leg curls


Friday, March 11, 2016

Strict press
170 x 5
190 x 5
220 x 4, 5
> Whew, good progress.

170 x 10, 8, 8
155 x 10

Lying dumbbell rows
125s x 10, 12, 12, 12, 12

Push-ups and curls

Trained until midnight, felt like death. These late sessions really make me feel like hell.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Bench press
Up to 225 x 5

185 x 10, 10, 10
135 x 18

10, 10, 10, 10
45 x 8

Skullcrushers, curls

SSB squats
185 x 5
230 x 5
280 x 5

210 x 10, 10, 10, 8

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Mat pulls
Up to 500 x 3

SSB squats
150 x 25,

Trained in an absolute swamp. Didn't feel like going out there in the rain before work but it must be done!

Friday, March 4, 2016


Strict press
105 x 5
135 x 5
160 x 5

125 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Lying dumbbell rows
100s x 10, 10
125s x 10, 10, 10

Bench push-ups

Keg curls
160 x 15

Dumbbell curls
50s x 8

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SSB squats
350 x 5
400 x 3
440 x 1
Tweaked my lower back on the 440. If I didn't have my belt on I'd have probably had to dump the weight mid-rep, but I managed to stand up and walk it back in pain.

I tried to 320 for one rep with the belt on tight, didn't feel good about it, and started taking plates off to do RE with 150 before deciding no, fuck this. I put everything back on, made sure to lean my weight back, and did my sets alright.

320 x 3 x 5

Dumbbell lunges, leg curls