Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Yesterday evening:

SSB squats
150, 200, 240 x 10

Ab wheel x 25
Super-set with reverse crunches x 8

Exceeded my goal of squatting 150, but made myself stop at 240. It's improved by leaps and bounds from last week but under load, it feels tender at the bottom of the squat. Still, excited to have weight on my back again. The simple things in life...

Ab wheel was done lying down rather than standing, also to go easy on my back. 

Food note: I've been buying quail eggs to use with my morning bone broth and they suit this purpose better than big chicken eggs. Easier to drink down and they don't get stuck to the bottom of the porcelain. I've avoided them before because they can be annoying to crack (rubbery shell) and require a high volume when pan frying to fill a plate, but for drinking, definitely going to keep buying them from Costco.

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