Friday, July 12, 2024

 SSB squats
380 x 5, 4, 3

Hise shrugs
380 x 2 x 10 (done at the end of first and last squat set)

SSB front squats
240 x 10

Russian twists
45 x 10 for each direction

Whew, happy with this. Felt like a ton at this bodyweight but despite the awfulness, I forced a lot of explosiveness out of the bottom. Could have grinded out more reps with ugly form but experience told me it wasn't worth risking my back.

Squatting narrower than I used to with this bar, which made it a surprise when I noticed my left hip was hurting when I lay down to sleep. Seems better the next day after a night of sleep. Lower back is VERY sore but not in an injurious way. Can still move and bend fine. Such a different feeling from last month's back injury.

Weighed 195.2 this morning.

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