Friday, November 3, 2023

505 x 3

Romanian deadlifts
365 x 2 x 10

SSB squats
240 x 10 (5 front squats, 5 back)

Kettlebell goblet squats: 50 x 20

Conventional deads tonight, not sumo. Elated that my back is healthy enough and how easy this felt.

Squats caught me by surprise; my legs felt pretty dead. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're still putting up awesome numbers. I used to post a lot on the old gamefaqs boards and your advice has been bouncing around in my head ever since. Got up to 330 squat 390 dead at one point and now I'm fighting to get back there.

    Thanks for showing a nerdy kid in the middle of nowhere Alaska how to get strong and trash-talk the shit out of fitness guru's.
