Spent this afternoon handling a medical situation again. This time Dad's health got worse and he agreed to go to the hospital. There was some friction between me and my aunt as she insisted on calling 911 while I wanted to drive him. She was under the impression he couldn't walk so she went ahead and called the EMTs while I was talking with him and he walked down to the ambulance by himself so...yes, I could have and should have driven him. Gonna move on from that for now because he's being seen and that's more important.
The hospital was a total clusterfuck: they gave me a wrong room number at first, then I figured out from my aunt's call that she's in an exam room in the ER with him but the ER rep I talked to couldn't find him, and finally we agreed over the phone that I'll go to work and come back in the evening when he has a room number.
Had 30 minutes before leaving for work, so came home and worked up to 320x15 Yukon bar squats. I was aiming for more but that was pretty close to a max effort today. Didn't bother to change out of my cushioned skate shoes and was dealing with a big adrenaline dump that had me feeling sluggish. I'll seize more pockets of time and fit in more soon.
PM update: came home and did another set of 320x15 squats, then 3 super-sets of leg extensions and leg curls on the reverse hyper using 320 lbs (3 45s and a 25 on each side). Then in the living room did an ab wheel rollout set of 8.
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