Friday, October 26, 2007

Entry #503

The last few days have been composed of bag work. I eat, sleep, and breathe the heavy bag. The other day, I woke up and found myself punching the wall. Wednesday's session was cut short because of a problematic knee. I only reached 185 on squats. The rest of the day left me deprived.

Tonight, however, I ran another four lapper, and then an extra distance over to the bridge and back. It felt like nothing. I talked to myself the entire way, and it's way fun in keeping me from being bored. It was about an hour and a half ago at 10:00 PM, long after the football game ended, so there were no pedestrians hidden in the dark to run into. My legs gave no trouble. Afterwards, I shuffled and shadowboxed.

Moreover, my shoulders have been tender from all of these 80/95 lb.+ overhead/incline dumbbell presses, but running makes them feel prime. I'll make it a habit to warm-up with a light jog before practicing boxing fundamentals.


  1. Roughly how far is a lap from your house to the highschool and back?...not entirely sure why I'm interested, or if you mentioned it before, but I've spent a few weeks catching up on here and it just sort of occurred to me that I didn't know.

  2. Couldn't tell you, but not more than a mile for each lap. I haven't been much of a runner since that two-year bulk.

  3. An MP3 would likely solve your bordem issues. If only they didn't cost a leg and an arm.

  4. I don't like listening to music while I train, but thanks for the suggestion.

  5. Is that because of a diversion of focus that it causes?

  6. No, it's just an outside factor that I want nothing to do with, like air conditioning. I like how fighters roughed it up back in the days of Jack Johnson, with no degrees of comfort.

  7. No worries. My logic is, though, if I am forced to listen to music at the gym (Britney Spears and the like if you were curious), it may as well be Death metal. Though you weren't talking about a gym.

  8. I just ignore whatever the gym is playing, but I listen to death metal and jazz in my leisure time. I also like long walks on the beach and throwing kittens into woodchippers.

  9. I've got a pretty decent recipie for puppy stew you might be interested in. Puppies, I find are much more convineint (they come right up to you), and are much more calorically dense.
