Friday, March 7, 2025

This morning at work a driver dropped off a trailer and had trouble parking it straight so I told him it's fine and did it myself by deadlifting it into position.

Despite being a decent back workout with all the positioning, the general state of my back is now healthy enough that I was able to handle today's clean and deadlift workout when I got home.

Power cleans
145 x 5
170 x 0, 0, 5
190 x 5

375 x 5
435 x 0, 5
485 x 5

Bodyweight x 10
50x 10, 10
65 x 10, 10
Super-set with wide pull-ups 
5 x 10

Leg curls
290 x 5 x 10
Super-set with seated curls
35s x 10, 10
15s x 10, 10
35s x 10

A couple of false sputtered rep attempts on the cleans (didn't lean back enough to catch the weight) and deadlifts (gunshy about my back so I put on a belt). Missing a rep of 435 had me chuckling and shaking my head as I walked away because I knew I was going to destroy 485 in a few minutes with room to spare.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Log clean once and strict press
137.5 x 5
157.5 x 5
177.5 x 6
Super-set with band pull-aparts: 3 x 15

SSB front squats
230 x 5
262.5 x 5
300 x 5
Super-set with pull-ups: 15, 15, 12

Incline dumbbell press 
80s x 5 x 10
Super-set with lying dumbbell rows
80s x 5 x 10

Sandbag carries 
200 lbs x 40 sec, 40 sec

Keg carry
160 lbs x 1 min

Day 1 of the program. Chose good starting weights. Left shoulder is completely healed, but right was bothering me a little on the strict press. Shut-down an attempted 7th rep to not grind hard with it, but the pain has improved and I feel like I can still heal while log pressing. I happen to have microplates so I went ahead and used them to adhere to the percentages as close as possible.

Front squats might have been too light but that's a good problem to have. I haven't front squatted 300 lbs in over 15 years and it took me awhile back then to work-up to 315. Kicker is I'm much stronger now.

Was going to attach 10 lb plates to make my dumbbells 90 lbs, but light weight can really sneak up on you for 5 sets of 10. The 80s were a good weight to start with; the final few reps of the last 2 sets became challenging enough.

Weighted carries were the only program deviation. Only had time to do 3 sets, and the 200 lb bag was feeling heavy for 1 minute at the end of the workout until I discovered the art of lapping it to get a better grip. Will clean this up next time and do 5 sets of 1 minute carries.

The whole session took about an hour and a half, but there was a lot of set-up time carrying weights and the log from the garage to the yard (garage roof is too low to overhead the log), setting up for squats, and moving things around to protect them from the incoming rain that night/the next day. Will set-up in advance next time. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Had an awesome weekend with family for Dad's birthday and ate a ton. Stone Stew + Eataly on Friday was good, but going to Eghbal's on Saturday was restorative for the soul. Haven't had everyone gathered around like that in a long time. 

I messed around with 2 press workouts over the weekend. On Saturday, I felt physically fatigued and worked-up to log clean and pressing 200 lbs after a couple of misses. Couldn't even clean it at first, then got it up for a grindy single that I had to immediately put back down to keep from blacking out. After a mental pep talk, I went up to the log with more conviction and did a stronger set of 2, popping the weight overhead without issue. Did a 5-minute heavy bag round right after and called it there, as I had a family dinner I didn't want to miss.

Since I had to cut that workout short, I returned the next day and worked up to axle push-pressing from the rack 220x2 after a couple of missed attempts, followed by Arnold pressing the 80 lb dumbbells for 3 sets of 8, super-setting that with chin-ups, and ending with skullcrushers and curls.

I still feel fatigued today and with a headache. I've been having a lot of coffee lately so I'm making a point not to have any today despite the energy crash. It's quite tough having this goal of upping my conditioning to do better in sparring at the boxing gym AND aim to get contest ready for strongman, but I love the puzzle. I think I need to be better organized with programming; to that end, I'm looking at strongman programs that are out there so I can have my days planned out more in advance than what I've been doing.