Tuesday, October 15, 2024

SSB good mornings
200 x 10, 10, 8

Swiss bar incline bench against bands
185 x 8, 6, 6
Super-set with lying dumbbell rows
125s x 3 x 8

Weighted dips
50 x 2 x 10
Super-set with side curls
50s x 2 x 20

Russian twists
45 x 30

Weighted decline crunches
50 x 20

Quads got a lot of work over the weekend between high bar squats and 3 days of uphill hiking, and I've been wanting to bring good mornings back for some time now. I'm also rereading Pavel's Beyond Bodybuilding at work and the anecdote about good mornings increasing squat numbers got me even more anticipatory about them. While a lot has not aged well ("never go over 5 reps"), there are still a lot of useful nuggets in there.

The good mornings sucked far less than I thought they would/than I remember them. I'm actually conscious of what a hip hinge is now and I'm consciously sticking my butt out at the bottom, then per Pavel's cue, driving my feet hard into the floor. Wasn't miserable at all, but I stopped at rep 8 on the final set just because injury has completely snuck up on me the next day when doing these and I wanted to leave plenty left in the tank. Back feels great the next day, thankfully.

Benching against the bands was killer. Ton of tension on the chest. Using medium black bands from Dave Draper's brand. Dismayed to find that the pair have different levels of tension and thickness, so the quality control isn't there. One side was a little lighter than the other. Oh well, imbalances are good for strongman.

Quick little workout this morning before work just to get some movement in and stoke hunger:

50 band pull-aparts
10 ABCS with 15lb kettlebells (what happened to be sitting in my living room)

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