Thursday, June 27, 2024

Was able to move the 45 plates around without additional pain yesterday, so hit the iron.

Paused incline bench: 205 x 5, 6, 4+1 (rest paused)
185 x 6, 6 -> dropdown to 135 x 8
Super-set with wide pull-ups: 5 x 10

Axle preacher curls: 35 x 30

10 minute jog afterwards

Back is still in pain when I wake-up to use the restroom at night or in the morning, but improved enough that I can turn in bed or get up without extended agony. Switched beds in the middle of the night again and will go explore some mattress options this weekend.

I've been keeping up my lunchbreak walks all this week and yesterday was the first time I was walking with a normal gait. I'll attend boxing tomorrow while letting the coach know I have to go easy on stuff like medicine ball throws, ab work, and bobbing and weaving.

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