Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Bench press
Worked-up to 330 x 1

225 x 10, 10, 12
Super-set with T-bar rows
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10, 12

Easy. Had strength for more; time before work didn't permit. But this was great. Haven't full ROM benched this heavy all year. Thank you COVID for really improving the state of my golfer's elbow. Felt a little irritation that I still feel in the office now but it's a big improvement. I aim to hit 340 next week and 350 the week after unless my elbow regresses, in which case I'll go back to board pressing.

Immensely enjoying this power day.

EDIT: came back after work at 8pm to get some more work in.

225 x 10, 10, 12
Super-set with T-bar rows
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10, 12

35 push-ups

The original plan was BBB. Since that got interrupted and the workout was split in two I added a 6th 225 bench set, which probably wasn't necessary since 5 sets broken up would still be more volume than I'm used to right now.

Mirza alerted me to a possum while I was training. He was dragging a 1.25 lb weight plate tied to his leash for his training (the cat, not the possum) so he couldn't attack it even though he clearly wanted to.

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