Thursday, February 21, 2019


Bench press
135, 155, 185 x 5

Dumbbell press
100(L)/80(R) x 8, 8, 10

Strict press (clean on first rep)
135 x 8, 8

Presses are super-set with dumbbell rows of same dumbbell weight x 6 sets of 10-12


Excellent Muay Thai session in the evening. Small class. Paired up with a girl and hit the mitts. 1-5 to start with (not a true upper-cut; he showed us something that starts like a jab but twists up, yet he called it a 5 when demonstrating with the assistant coach). Add on 2-3 to that, then a slip and a 3.

Full combo is 1-5-2-3 slip 3

This girl had awesome power and she was arm-punching. Coach had to tell her repeatedly to pivot more. When holding for me she encouraged me to hit harder but I told her I'm pacing myself. As the rounds went on we went faster and harder and the coach commented on how loud my punches were echoing throughout the gym.

Switching stances messed me up but it's been something I'm working on in general and will continue to.

Ended with taking this combo over to the bag but breaking it up with kicks every 2 strikes. 3 rounds total. 1 conventional, 1 southpaw, and the final where we switched after every combo.

Knuckles were pretty red after class. Very fun evening.

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