Thursday, May 10, 2018

Have gone to Muay Thai Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I am going to have to back off a bit for the rest of the week because my right foot is hurting the more I get sloppy with kicks. It's a problem for me when we're throwing fast and especially on the Thai pads where I can't dictate the height like I can on the bag. I know everything I'm doing wrong - it's a matter of practice and repetition at this point. Tight hips are also part of the problem.

Weight loss is coming along nicely. My scale needs new batteries so I don't have a number but I definitely notice in my abs. Getting harder on myself with dieting and portion sizes.


  1. Portion control became super relevant once I hit 30. Before, it seemed I had to focus on food quality but not quantity. Now it's both. I remember back when you and I used to bulk up on Jack in the Box and Carl's Jr, haha. Sucks getting old.

    Cool to see more Muay Thai practice. Glad the bicep is holding up.

  2. Good times, haha. I was still kind of liberal with greasy food last year when I gained weight after surgery but I made sure to pair it with nutrient-rich items too. A definite change in nutrition consciousness.
