Saturday, August 15, 2015

I entered the following into my phone while drunk and bored waiting for a friend at a concert last night.

Overhead press
155 x 5
185 x 5
215 x 2

Dumbbell press
115s x 8, 7, 9

Bilateral dumbbell rows
115s x 8, 10, 10, 10, 10

Dumbbell clean and press
115 x 1, 0

Farmers' walk x 200

40, 20

Curls and rear delts

That was my first time using the farmer implements and my foot speed felt fast. I basically allowed myself to fall forward with the weight and move my feet in tandem.

Also the first time in years that I've dumbbell pressed. Pec tendons felt fine.


  1. I was wondering the other day when those farmer's were going to make an appearance. Good to see you getting some moving in. Sounds like you got the right idea on how to hit them.

  2. There's no excuse, haha. I'd leave them for the end of a workout only to be pressed for time due to needing to go to work or something and then never get to them later, but I'm going to make loaded carries much more of a priority from now on.
