Sunday, October 23, 2011

Entry #963

I weighed 214.8 today, which is about half a pound less. It's slow-going but that's perfectly okay.

I'm going to start getting even stricter with carbs during the week while getting more cardio in. After a while of doing that I'll reduce my cheat days from two days a week to one. I think I'm going to go all the way to 200.

I'm also drinking way less milk, which is good because this organic shit is expensive. I'm not sold on that whole line or anything, but I read an interesting excerpt from Thibaudeau about regular milk containing more estrogens. Maybe, maybe not, but it tastes way better. It's just milk, anyways. Why are you brainless mutants reading this far of my post about it? Jesus.

Overhead press:
145 x 3
165 x 3
185 x 7
> Still a little sore going in. All the great ab work I've been doing has been helping with stabilizing the weight. 

50 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 6
> Failed a 7th, watch out for that. Supremely deep and making sure to keep my elbows tucked.

Incline lat flyes:
17.5s x 20
12s x 15
6s x 15
> The front of my shoulders have been consistently sore lately and it makes me worry about muscle imbalances. Getting some rear delt work in for shoulder health and stability. Not heavy, just focusing on getting a pump there.

50s x 8, 8, 8, 7, 6 

Realized at this point that I lost my Fat Gripz. Fuck!


  1. I'll tell you what I ate yesterday:14 eggs, blueberries, almonds, banana, milk (pre-workout)2Whey, dextrose, maltodextrin shake (post-workout)3Salmon in organic butter, green beans, dolma42 turkey burger patties, spinach, olives5Small omelet with cheese6Cottage cheese, olives, fish oilAs you can see the most carbs come peri-workout.

  2. Hey PPP,Can you give any tips on overhead press? I'm just concentrating on maintaining high IAP, and pulling my shoulder blades together. I'm not sure about grip width, how to start the push movement, and where I should bring the bar down to.Hoping to get a BW overhead press.

  3. Haven't gotten this much activity since the 2004-5 days, haha.@Shaheen: I grip the same as my bench, pinkies in the ring. It varies for different lifters, but that's how I like it. Lead with your legs without actually bending them and brace your abs as if you're about to be punched. Keep your elbows forward. I do a warm-up where I hold the bar overhead and shrug it up to help enforce thoracic expansion. Pressing bands overhand as a warm-up also seems to improve my performance.@Malik: generally but don't get TOO caught up with GI. Wheat is low GI and I don't eat it, while most fruits are higher on the index and they're a staple. Keep fruits early in the day though and veggies for evening/nighttime. I just buy dolma from the grocery store here, I don't know what they put into it. I miss the homemade stuff.

  4. What about the activity you get from me PPP?Forever alone.jpg

  5. Thanks man, I'll try it out next Friday.
