Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lots of happenings in the past few days.

First, I subluxed my shoulder again. This time swimming, haha. Embarrassing. I'm in a sling for a few days.

Second, I deadlifted 392.5 x 10. This prompted a trainer to tell me not to make so much noise. That was the last straw, and I resolved to quit paying a gym that won't support me and my training. I'll no longer be going to 24 Hour Fitness.


  1. I guess it's back to fapping with one hand again since your shoulder is messed up.You should stop lifting for a while and go back to the basics. Do some training in the room of spirit and time with just your body and no weights. After about a year of that you should have saved up enough money to buy your own home gym.Get well soon, and may the force be with you =]

  2. You've probably seen this article before, but it can be helpful for training while injured

  3. I actually haven't (I get a feed subscription on my phone so I mostly read new articles). Huge thank you, man. I'm already doing unilateral dumbbell press and one-arm deadlifts but some of the info is good to have.

  4. @l3loodFist - I tried doing one-arm deadlifts before, but once you move up to the lightweight it's hard to keep the bar straight. It also has some effect on my fap arm.
