Saturday, February 6, 2010

Entry #808

"A worm looks up at the sky and sees God. A man looks down at his hands and sees ambition."

I am hooked on Bioshock, even though I dislike Ayn Rand.

Training is going consistently, although my diet isn't faring quite so well. I'm down to 220 lbs. yet I'm slowly gaining back strength, so are things really going so badly? Protein intake is regular, just very meager. Maybe I'm unknowingly cutting right this time.

43 days


  1. "A worm looks up at the sky and sees God. A man looks down at his hands and sees ambition."God created them both, and He can destroy them both.I dislike Ayn Rand too.What about 43 days? Is that how long you went without fapping? Or are you playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days?

  2. What is bioshock and what does it have to do with Ayn Rand? I'm not a big fan either, but I've been wanting to read Atlas Shrugged for some time now.

  3. It's a videogame about a dystopian underwater city built on atheistic laissez-faire principles, actually taking a lot of inspiration from Atlas Shrugged. That book was one of the most excruciating things I've ever read, second only to The Great Gatsby.

  4. You didn't answer my question PPPWhat about 43 days? Is that how long you went without fapping? Or are you playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days?

  5. @FreshDRE97 - I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure 43 days is the amount of time it's going to take l3loodfist to pull his egotistical head out of his butt and admit that The Golden Girls was a waaay better 80's sitcom than Charles in Charge. How can you deny the comedic stylings of Bea Arthur and Betty White? Have you no soul??

  6. @FreshDRE97 - Nah, auto-analingus is for weaklings. Duh.

  7. @b1tcherina - I think I love you.inb4loveisforweaklings

  8. You two have made this log just that much less interesting. Golden girls! Isn't that show for old women or something?

  9. @l3loodFist - Your vice is fapping. You didn't want to participate in Fap Free February because you're so addicted. You're probably fapping right now! You probably use blood as lube, that's why your name is Bloodfist, or l3loodfist since Bloodfist was already taken, lol.
