Thursday, January 7, 2010

Entry #805

Shit, I'm down to 225 lbs. I'm much weaker, too. Tuesday I benched 295 for 2. Yikes. Welcome back to 3 years ago. Just a few weeks earlier I did 315 for 3 and that was considered a drop.

At least my cardio is through the fucking roof.


  1. You can get back those three years by spending three days in the hyperbolic time chamber.

  2. wouldn't you still age in the hyperbolic time chamber? It's kind of pointless unless there is some pressing danger.

  3. I know you do some form of cardio training everyday, but what exactly? On your lifting days do you go kinda light with some bagwork or whatever (focusing on technique), or is it basically higher intensity stuff just everyday to improve fitness?

  4. Mostly running. Not nearly enough bagwork/sparring these days.
