Monday, December 24, 2007

Entry #543

I've began putting together the preliminary design of my website:

As the antithesis to, say, T-Nation, I want the layout simple and straightforward. Content will be the focus, not flash. I favor the light text on black layout because it's easier on the eyes, especially at night, but I might change that. I also have a larger-than-average computer monitor, so I have to check on different screens if everything is the right size.

It's not going to have forums or anything like that. The success of that would depend on community, and I want to lean away from that. My approach is that even if I were the only person to ever visit this, it would be worth putting up for the references. It's essentially an oversized FAQ, backed by gathered links and sources.

No ads. If FreeWebs adds any, I'll find a new host.

Still have a lot of info to compile for articles.


  1. Are you interested in validation and semantics? Validation will insist cross-browser consistency of your web site, semantics overall mainainability. If so, I'm your man (iuty84 on GFaqs). For free.

  2. Thanks for the offer, but FreeWebs is a very basic set-up. It's just gonna be a background and some text. The HTML shouldn't look any different.

  3. Change the picture on the homepage. That barbell has a tampon on it.

  4. It looks like a disfigured tampon to me.

  5. The pad would be in the center of the bar if were being used, not on the end of one side.

  6. I'm talking about the clip. Clips are terrible

  7. I don't use it, but the clip can be useful for lifts like deadlifts, where the weight slams into the floor and the plates come unhinged easily. In any case, it really doesn't act as a crutch for anything during the lift, which would be cause for invalidity as a piece of equipment; it just makes it a little more convenient between sets so you don't have to adjust the weight again.This, on the other hand, babies your skin and alters the weight disposition on your back:

  8. Nothing wrong with clips.  You see them in tons of competitions.

  9. Thief. Animal wants their image back.

  10. It's actually a placeholder until I get something else, but I'm not too concerned over the integrity of using a generic shot of a barbell.

  11. @PPP:As you wish. But FreeWebs is a horrible host; I suggest you try GooglePages.

  12. It's fine for what I need it for. Add-less and simple. I'm not using PHP or CURL or anything, just some basic HTML.
