Friday, November 23, 2007

Entry #525

I said it the last time I was rendered immobile from a wrenched back and was healed the next day, but I'm amazed at my recovery abilities. Yesterday morning, I was completely unable to walk without hobbling along the walls and other obstacles I could pull myself forward with. Turning in bed was a three-minute process. I could not move my head down to eat properly. The pain was worse than every other back injury I've had combined.

Today, I walked uphill at a decent, albeit somewhat stiff, pace to George's house, and back again. Just a few minutes ago, I shadowboxed around the house, bobbing and weaving, and moving around on my toes.


  1. Good to know you're back on your feet. All hail the future heavyweight champion!

  2. That's good.  I like the idea of actually moving foward and shadowboxing.  I'll have to try it when I walk to the park (no pun intended).
    (To Jon) Hailing is for weaklings...
    On a side note, the capcha is judowtw.  Heh.

  3. I will have to remedy my problem with hails. Perhaps in future I'll set of an explosive with a size relative to the person I'm setting it off for.Or perhaps I'll eat a steak. Who knows?
