Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Entry #514

Bench press (warm-up):
1 X 10   65 lbs.
1 X 6     95 lbs.
1 X 3     135 lbs.

Bench press:
3 X 6     225 lbs.

Close-grip bench press:
1 X 8     185 lbs.

Wide-grip bench press:
1 X 6     185 lbs.

Incline dumbbell press:
3 X 5     90 lb. dumbbells

Dips/weighted dips:
1 X 10   Bodyweight
1 X 8     45 lbs.
1 X 7     70 lbs.
> Thus ensued in my head upon being capable of doing dips:

I no longer have any pain in my breastplate on these.

Dumbbell flyes:
2 X 8     50 lb. dumbbells

Dumbbell skull-crushers:
2 X 5     50 lb. dumbbells

Triceps pressdown:
2 X 8     130 lbs.


  1. Congrats on being able to dip again dude!  I wonder what brought this about? 

  2. Hah. Never knew a Doom comic existed.
