Monday, November 5, 2007

Entry #511

The following is the unedited version of the routine I'll be starting today, ripped from Muscle and Fitness. Xanga didn't copy over the HTML structure from Wordpad, so it's pretty jumbled. It entails a lot of volume and some movements I'm less than ecstatic about. I intend on making some adjustments as I go, such as nixing one group of leg curls for good mornings.

            Weeks 1-4    Weeks 5-8
Exercise        Sets    Reps**    Sets    Reps
Bench Press        3*    10,6,3    3*    10, 6, 3
Bench Press        3    6    3    3+
Close-grip bench press    1    8    1    4+
Wide-Grip Bench Press    1    8    1    4+
Incline Dumbbell Press    3    8    3    4+
Dip^            3    10    3    5+
Pec-Deck/Cable Flye    2    10    2    7++
Skull-Crusher        2    10    2    7++
Triceps Presdown    2    12    2    8++

* These are warm-up sets done with light weights, pyramiding up in weight each set. Don't go to muscle failure, even if you can do more reps.
** After your warm-up sets, choose a weight that allows you to complete only the number of reps listed. If you can do more reps with good form on your own, add more weight on your next set.
+ Add about 25% more weight than you used on this exercise during weeks 1-4 to reach the target rep listed.
^ If you can perform 12 reps, do weighted dips.
++ Add about 15% more weight than you used on this exercise during weeks 1-4 to reach the target rep listed.

>> Rest 4-5 minutes between sets on the bench press and 3-4 minutes on the close- and wide-grip press. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets on all other exercises.
>> Close- and wide-grip bench presses are done in addition to regular-width presses to build maximum strength around the shoulder joint. Even subtle differences in hand placement can significantly change where stress is focused.
>> No shoulder movements are done during this workout because your front delts get blasted. Dedicated shoulder work will resume after this eight-week cycle is over.

            Weeks 1-4    Weeks 5-8
Exercise        Sets    Reps**    Sets    Reps
Squat            3*    10,6,3    3*    10, 6, 3
Deep Squat        3    6    3    3+
Narrow-Stance Squat    2    8    2    4+
Wide-Stance Squat    2    8    2    4+
Lying Leg Curl (heavy)    4    8    4    4+
Leg Press        3    12    3    6+
Lying Leg Curl (light)^    2    10    2    7++
Standing Calf Raise    2    10    2    7++
Seated Calf Raise    2    12    2    8++

* These are warm-up sets done with light weights, pyramiding up in weight each set. Don't go to muscle failure, even if you can do more reps.
** After your warm-up sets, choose a weight that allows you to complete only the number of reps listed. If you can do more reps with good form on your own, add more weight on your next set.
+ Add about 25% more weight than you used on this exercise during weeks 1-4 to reach the target rep listed.
^ Use lighter weight than on the previous set of leg curls.
++ Add about 15% more weight than you used on this exercise during weeks 1-4 to reach the target rep listed.

>> Rest 4-5 minutes between sets of deep squats and 3-4 minutes on narrow- and wide-stance squats. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets of all other exercises.
>> Narrow- and wide-stance squats are done in addition to deep squats to focus on all-around thigh strength. Placing your feet closer together hits the outer sweep of the quads while a wider stance works the adductors harder.
>> You perform leg curls twice during the workout because hamstring strength is vital to lifting big in both the squat and the deadlift.

            Weeks 1-4    Weeks 5-8
Exercise        Sets    Reps**    Sets    Reps
Deadlift            3*    10,6,3    3*    10, 6, 3
Narrow-Stance Deadlift^    3    6    3    3+
Wide-Stance Deadlift^    2    8    2    4+
Romanian Box Deadlift#    2    8    2    4+
Seated Cable Row    2    8    2    4+
Bent-Over Barbell Row    2    10    2    5+
Lat Pulldown         2    10    2    7++
Standing Barbell Curl    2    10    2    7++
Seated Dumbbell Curl    2    12    2    8++

* These are warm-up sets done with light weights, pyramiding up in weight each set. Don't go to muscle failure, even if you can do more reps.
** After your warm-up sets, choose a weight that allows you to complete only the number of reps listed. If you can do more reps with good form on your own, add more weight on your next set.
+ Add about 25% more weight than you used on this exercise during weeks 1-4 to reach the target rep listed.
^ Alternate order and set-rep scheme of narrow- and wide-stance deadlifts each workout.
# This is a Romanian deadlift performed standing on a 6-inch box to allow an extended stretch.
++ Add about 15% more weight than you used on this exercise during weeks 1-4 to reach the target rep listed.

>> Rest 4-5 minutes between sets of the narrow- and wide-stance deadlift (whichever you do first in your routine) and five minutes on the other deadlift movements. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets of all other exercises.
>> You do narrow- and wide-stance deadlifts in addition to regular deadlifts for two reasons. First, even subtle changes in foot and hand placement make a big difference in where your back picks up the initial stress of the lift. Second, your legs (hamstrings in particular) are worked differently when your feet are close together as opposed to when they're set wide apart.


  1. Yeah, this is definitely different enough from what you've been doing that I'm sure it'll elicit some sort of change from your body, even if it's not an "ideal" routine.  If nothing else, it'll be a fun departure, and prolly work some areas that haven't been hit for a while.  It'll be interesting to see what modifications you make, and what results you get.

  2. Definitely. By the way, let me know if you want the Wordpad file for later reference.

  3. Seems like a hell of a lot of fun.
