Sunday, April 2, 2006

Entry #252
Finally, final bulk pictures. Highest body fat percentage I've been at. Unfortunately, I don't have pre-bulk pictures in the same poses that would make for fair comparison. Note to self: take pictures outside next time so objects aren't construed with my form and lighting is more consistent. My camera randomly takes pictures dark.

6'0, 210 lbs:

Just for fun:

Begin cut phase. Will update after HIIT tonight.


  1. You are like literally a whole new person.  Fuckin' awesome work man.  That bodyshot kinda reminds me of how I'm built, but I wouldn't wanna insult you by comparing you to me =P
    Good luck on the cut.

  2. Awesome gains, hopefully I'll be up past 200 sometime next year. What was your pre-bulk weight?

  3. Thanks for the motivating words, I appreciate it. I owe you, Jared.I was 160-165 in that picture, Reaper. The weight came a lot faster once I had gotten on creatine.

  4. Dude, massive. You barely gained any fat at all, nub.
