Friday, February 10, 2006

Entry #234
I'm digging my new meal plan. Upon wake-up I take the weightgainer, and
have a solid meal a few hours later before the gym. Shoving eggs down
my gullet wasn't nearly as beneficial as 1200 calories from Serious
MASS before 7:30am.
Initial attempt at box squats today at the gym. I had to be creative.
Too many people were using the plastic blocks for a boost up to reach
the pull-up bar, so I used the wooden deadlift box with four plates
stacked up on one another. The recommendation is to start at about
parallel, but I was surprised at how deep I was able to go. Blame it on
a habit of good squat form in general.
Didn't get any striking done; I crashed after the gym. Meal plan was insane, though. Also started loading phase on creatine.


  1. I frickin' hate how people use equipment like that for crap like getting a boost on the pull-up bar.
    I can't get much lower than parallel on you flare your knees when you do ass to grass squats, or are they still pretty straight?
    Oh yeah, I just got some dextrose and malodextrin for many grams do ya take?

  2. I usually keep them pretty straight on squats, but apparently on box squats you're supposed to flare them because you're leaning back while sitting on the box for a split-second, and not just going up and down like on regular squats. I stretch a lot later in the day and this one should do you good if you want to go deeper: take 45 grams of each. I just use the creatine scooper which is 5 g and take 9 scoops from each one. explains it better if you want to calculate exact measurements for your bodyweight and everything.
