Sunday, October 2, 2005

Entry #177
Quick entry before bed. Internet's been down all day, and now it just decides to get back up.
Break day from lifting. Just did martial art forms along with
stretching. Also picked up creatine monohydrate to add to my supplement
list. Will start 5 day loading phase tomorrow, and see how this stuff


  1. Creatine is awesome! You will probably put on a couple of pounds the first few days, but those first few pounds will more then likely be water weight. But don't worry, you will more then likely put on a lot of quality weight as well. It all depends on your genetics anyway.

  2. You don't need to load, loading is a scam that the creatine companies use to make you waste it.

  3. I trust abcbodybuilding above most other sources, and they recommend loading:"Wyss (2000) performed a meta-analysis and came to the following conclusions:- Creatine loading with 20-30 g/day was shown to significantly increase the muscle concentrations of creatine, phosphocreatine, and total creatine"

  4. While that may be true, it will just take a little bit longer for the creatine to be in your system using 5 grams a day. Just take 5 grams a day, trust me. If you take 30 grams a day for a week, you just wasted a month supply of creatine. Not to mention it's a pain in the ass to take it 4 times a day.

  5. Actually no, that'd be 6 weeks of wasted creatine. Don't do it.

  6. man,  I know nothing about creatine...hahah but im not even going to take it so it doesnt matter lol

  7. I'm not interested in any shortcuts. abcbodybuilding is easily the most comprehensive and in-depth weightlifting site I've come across. They've got enough evidence and sited sources to convince me.

  8. By the way, you're saying if I take 5 g four times a day, that's 30 g of creatine? I'd be using 20.

  9. Psch, whatever Jay. Take your creatine. How much did it cost, anyway?

  10. What the hell Jay? Don't be a cheapskate, fork over $400 for the Celltech Creatine which was produced by little human babies, and then mixed with Gatorade.
