Saturday, September 10, 2005

Entry #163
I...can' all... I went to the gym just to sit in the
steam-room. Helped out my muscles, but I still hobble around like an
old man. I took the opportunity to check the scale, too. Weighed in at
181 lbs with just swimshorts. That's an increase from last time. Have
to keep this up.

Did flexibility stuff today (stretches, light kicks) and watched
Dragonball Z. I need to get better before Monday, which is deadlift
day. I'm thinking of taking Rene's offer on that massage parlor right
about now. Nahh. I'm gonna go do push-ups instead.


  1. The training volume for the leg day you just had was insane!  No wonder you can't walk!
    Stretching is so key to growth.  It's surprising how little people do it.
    181 is a good weight.  How tall are you?

  2. why can't you walk?

  3. Heh yeah and I also need to be stretching fr martial arts. I'm 6'0, so I'm still skinny at 181. Hopefully I can break 200 soon.I can't walk because of Thursday's leg training. You should try it and tell me if the same thing happens to you.
