Sunday, December 31, 2017

Last night:

Bench push-ups
10, 10, 12

One-arm bench press
70 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 10
100 x 10
110 x 10
125 x 10

Super-set with various rows, up to a 125 lb dumbbell. Pleased my back could take that.

Finished with skullcrushers, full push-ups, and curls. Then did 70 total SSB squats and one-legged good mornings, also just with the bar.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Did bodyweight squats for sets of 50, 30, 40, and 30. Glad I'm mobile again, though the injury area in my back still hurts.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Back is improving. Pain persists but I can get out of bed and walk easier.

Bench press
95, 105, 110, 115, 115, 115 x 10-15 reps
Super-set with band rows

One-arm bench press
80 x 10, 12
90 x 8, 10, 10, 12
Super-set with band rows

Didn't do too much isolation work because I'm going to be off for Saturday, Sunday, and probably Monday, so I'm going to train the three days prior and plan on doing another upper-body session on Friday.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Awful night. In the middle of squatting 290 I felt a tiny twinge in my back on just one rep. I reracked, considered how I felt, then belted up and tried again. Sudden sharp pain in my lower right back at the bottom of the first rep. I actually let out a grunt from the shock of it. Painfully came up and reracked, then hobbled to my chair. This is a particularly bad one. I'm estimating I'll be back to 100% in two weeks.
Went on a 1-hour run the day before yesterday through the park and back. I'm pretty heavy right now and my right ankle got sore, but nothing too bad.

Last night:

Bench press
Up to 100 x 10
105 x 12, 15, 15
Super-set with various rows

One-arm dumbbell press
50 x 8
100 x 8
115 x 8
125 x 8, 9, 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows of the same weight for 10 reps

Monster mini pressdowns with right arm super-set with 10 lb curls for 3 sets

Finished off with tricep pressdowns on my good arm, more facepulls, and curls

Got a good 9 hours of sleep after and am here in the office on Christmas Eve, making sure to eat big.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

RE effort

SSB squats
150 x 30, 25
95 x 30

Good mornings
200 x 10, 10

10 minutes jog on tip-toes, reverse crunches

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Ended up delaying my bench press workout to let my back recover before I start hoisting up dumbbells from the ground. Did some hill sprints and went on a jog afterwards that night instead.

Last night:

Dumbbell press
100 x 10, 10
115 x 10, 9
125 x 8
Super-set with
Dumbbell rows with the same weight for 10

Push-ups, curls, facepulls

Able to do flat push-ups for the first time, great milestone. Went up to 20. Chest is sore today.

In other news, my transmission is being repaired and my car won't be available until next week. Borrowing my dad's van in the meantime.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

More scandalous confessions from a Lyft. There's bad news about the car. The transmission is going and it's going to be several thousand dollars to replace. The car is in the shop until tomorrow. I was going to take it to a Honda dealership and get a second opinion but after doing research it seems like this is a very common problem with this make and year, so I'm inclined to just trust the mechanic. A plumber at work said his friend replaced his transmission and he can ask him for me. Several options to consider.

On the way home to do some bench pressing. I'm going to start losing weight soon and that will be a lot easier on my wallet.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Back is still hurting two days later. I should do more direct ab work. Couldn't hurt.

My car is currently in the shop overnight. Mechanic says the transmission might be bad. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. In the meantime, he's going to change the fluid. Currently typing this up in a Lyft on the way home. Just going to rest and maybe use the massager tonight on my back. A night walk sounds really nice.

I have the desire to write about more personal going-ons in my life. I find myself looking at years past and wishing I'd jotted down more about particular events, especially regarding my surgery (although that was training related).
SSB squats
290 x 5
335 x 5
380 x 5
Tweaked my back on the third rep but still finished.

290 x 3 x 10

Leg curls

Sunday, December 10, 2017

3 x 15

Overhead dumbbell press
50 x 8, 10
80 x 8, 10, 10, 9
Super-set with
Band pull-downs
10, 10, 12, 12 (on this set my Iron Woody band snapped. Lasted me 10 years. RIP), 15 (ripped band), 15

Done in conjunction with Ball Sac mini-band tricep pressdowns with right arm
10, 10, 15, 15

Push-ups, skullcrushers and curls

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Been training regularly. Have to push aside the feeling of boredom from dumbbell training and make regular recordings..

Am on a deload week. Squatted up to to 260x5 and did dumbbell press with no more than 100. Bench pressed 95 for sets of 20 like usual.

Got to test my progress out at work. We had to load boxes of envelopes out. I was able to carry them but my surgery point felt sore a few hours later. Nothing alarming. Was as good as new the next day. The doc told me at this point the tendon has fully reattached and I shouldn't worry about accidents barring extreme stupidity.