Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Entry #370

Everything with weight saw at least a 10 lb. gain.

That is by no means limited to the iron. I weighed in at 215 lbs.

ME upper~body

Bench press:
45 lbs., 20 reps
45 lbs., 15 reps
45 lbs., 20 reps
135 lbs., 15 reps
185 lbs., 8 reps
225 lbs., 5 reps
255 lbs., 3 reps
265 lbs., 3 reps
The weight felt surprisingly light. However, on the concluding set, I leaned into my right side while repping the third, and subsequently felt a sharp pull in my back. It caused pain, but not failure. After reracking, the feeling subsided within a matter of minutes. I was lucky. That must never happen again.
Despite that apparently contrasting setback, my arms have never been sturdier under the load than they were today. Barring that particular error, my form was impeccable. Perhaps being able to power through that blunder, with my attention and force diverted so, only serves to be a testament to that.

Military press:
45 lbs., 12 reps
115 lbs., 7 reps
95 lbs., 7 reps
95 lbs., 7 reps
My balance felt solid this week. Full-body momentum still wasn't utilized; my force was strictly exerted through my shoulders.

Bent~over barbell rows:
155 lbs., 10 reps
155 lbs., 10 reps
155 lbs., 10 reps
135 lbs., 10 reps
95 lbs., 10 reps

Bent~over flyes:
40 lb. dumbbells, 12 reps
3 sets

Abdominal circuit
I suffered a significant cramp here; after the first set, my entire stomach suddenly felt as if it was twisted in a giant knot. I stretched it out and managed a yielding second.

Note: creatine loading phase began today.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Entry #369

I'm allowing a certain degree of vigor and spontaneity to seep through the following post in order to reflect today's thought~process.

My back still poses issues, but my philosophy on treating it has changed.

I'm hereby going to be squatting and deadlifting everyday, be it merely light form practice or an actual workout. Either way, my body must become a repping machine, unable to become unaccustomed to exercise. Squatting every once in a while when my back just happens to feel okay isn't acceptable.

Everything in the following session is a drastic compromise of weight for my current condition.

ME lower~body

45 lbs., 12 reps
135 lbs., 10 reps
225 lbs., 7 reps
275 lbs., 3 reps
This was merely a reintroduction. I stopped it prematurely to avoid injury. Cautiousness is what allowed me to build~up to a 405 lb. deadlift in a matter of weeks before. Ego is a deadly enemy.

Walking lunges:
70 lb. dumbbells, 9 reps
3 sets

Good mornings:
65 lbs., 8 reps
65 lbs., 8 reps
95 lbs., 12 reps
I avenged Bruce Lee by completing the latter weight. That's the amount on this exercise that killed his back for the rest of his life. I pointed my finger at the barbell and it just sat there in shame.

Weighted Swiss ball crunches:
50 lbs. of plates, 8 reps
5 sets
I hate this stupid ball.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Entry #368

The "swivel" bag, for lack of a better term, is seeing daily use. It loosens my back in conventional usage and supplies a target for shadowboxing. It also serves as a suitable warm~up for more intense activity on the heavy bag. Speaking of which, one combination in particular came out extremely well today. All it is is a jab followed by a side~step to the opposing direction linked with a hook (of the opposite arm), but my improved footwork, resulting from the mobility that the former bag entails, adds another dimension to it.

Lifting was done at night again. This schedule is working for the better.

RE upper~body

Bench press:
45 lbs., 20 reps
45 lbs., 20 reps
135 lbs., 20 reps
135 lbs., 12 reps
135 lbs., 10 reps
155 lbs., 5 reps
The rest time, or lack thereof, made my arms feel like lead. There was roughly 60 seconds of break in between each set.

Barbell tricep extension:
90 lbs., 8 reps
5 sets

6, 6, 6, 4, 3 reps
Rather than opt for the pulldown cables, I'm instead going to narrow my grip as I fatigue in order to accomplish this portion. There was much room for improvement, even with that strategy, but that's exactly why I need to avoid the machine.

Hise shrugs:
135 lbs., 12 reps
3 sets
Caution was thrown to the wind here in order to become familiar with the form. Next time, the iron will be big.

The session concluded with a round on the standing bag.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Entry #367

More bagwork comprised today.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Entry #366

This afternoon saw some stretch dynamics, followed by shadow boxing and bag work.

My roundhouse feels heavy; my stiff, stubborn bag crumples in two upon contact. However, there's not enough snap to it, an unfortunate habit that's encouraged by a bag that doesn't react in place of sparring partners.

I've become completely double~sided in stance. I feel as comfortable jabbing with my left as I do southpaw. Lefts used to be frail and awkward.

Lifting was done at night, in the dark.

DE lower~body

This session is always done at home with unorthodox, unmarked weights, so there will be no distinctive recording of numbers until I'm familiar enough with the movements to upgrade to heavier sets at the gym.

Everything that involved weight saw a significant increase. Last week was merely form practice.

Snatch squats: 10 sets, 3 reps
The heavier load made flaws in form more obvious. I require practice and studying on the snatch movement. My balance was notably better, however. Correct positioning of the bar overhead is key; I seem to have a tendency to hold it a few degrees in front of center, which raises the difficulty ostensibly, since more strain must go into holding that alignment.

Good mornings: 4 sets, 12 reps
These were awesome. The weight was heavy enough that my legs were shaking. I did better in keeping them straight. The form was much more comfortable this week.

Chop crunches: 5 sets, 12 reps
My abdominals were bright red afterwards. It seems to me that these have some applicability to weighted crunches. They condition the midsection to withstand heavy force.

Plate pinches: 3 sets, 30 second holds

Monday, January 22, 2007

Entry #365

ME upper~body

Bench press:
45 lbs., 20 reps
45 lbs., 20 reps
135 lbs., 12 reps
185 lbs., 8 reps
225 lbs., 5 reps
255 lbs., 3 reps
This was a 10 lb. increase that posed no difficulty.

Military press:
45 lbs., 15 reps
95 lbs., 12 reps
115 lbs., 3 reps
Standing up added balance issues, despite the weight feeling light. Indeed, I've repped nearly twice this amount with dumbbells while seated. Also, there was no recruitment of power thrusts for momentum, due to caution being placed on the mechanics of the movement; this was performed strictly with shoulders alone. Still, this was a worthwhile introduction to standing presses.

Seated cable rows:
120 lbs., 12 reps
150 lbs., 10 reps
150 lbs., 10 reps
150 lbs., 10 reps
120 lbs., 6 reps

Bent~over flyes:
35 lb. dumbbells, 12 reps
3 sets

2 sets, 15 reps

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Entry #364

I killed my shoulders on incline bench, and had to cut the session short. Luckily, they felt as good as new a few hours later. I need to go back and evaluate the form of it more carefully.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Entry #363

DE lower~body

I always leave this particular session feeling extremely supple and limber in my lower back. If any a day must be skipped, this definitely isn't it, despite its lower intensity.

In between the following sets, I did light rounds of the double~end bag.

Snatch squats: 10 sets, 3 reps
That name is of my creation. The official term isn't as straightforward as mine, whatever it is. The exercise involves snatching the barbell overhead and squatting in the held position. Balance and form was more important than the amount of poundage.

Good mornings: 4 sets, 8 reps
I finally have the form down, albeit with light weight. The key is pulling the barbell down into the traps, while driving firmly planted feet into the ground. Previously, I had problems with the weights rolling up onto my neck. I need to work on keeping my legs straighter, but this marks a milestone in lower~body efforts. My hamstrings felt like they were worked more in these few sets than years of leg curls combined.

Chop crunches: 5 sets, 12 reps
This is another invention. Upon the climax of the movement, the crunch position is held (as with every other crunch variation I do), and sharp hand chops are delivered on the stomach for four counts before releasing back. After the first set, I felt a harsh, tightening cramp in that region, which has never happened before. I don't know whether it was coincidence or not, but it subsided after a few minutes, and I continued on with no issue.

Plate pinches: 3 sets, 30 second holds
I'm fond of these, in a crude sort of way. My fingers were gnarled and torn afterwards.

A jump~rope circuit concluded the night.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Entry #362

ME upper~body

At this point, I've essentially regained what I lost when I cut weight, despite going into training hungry and worn out from prior bag work.

Bench press:
135 lbs., 12 reps
185 lbs., 8 reps
225 lbs., 5 reps
245 lbs., 3 reps
I've done 255 for reps before, but I was cautious of my ability here. Next week will see a definite increase.

Overhead dumbbell press:
30 lb. dumbbells, 12 reps
75 lb. dumbbells, 5 reps
70 lb. dumbbells, 5 reps

T~bar row:
115 lbs., 10 reps
90 lbs., 10 reps
70 lbs., 8 reps
45 lbs., 8 reps
My stamina drops extraordinarly fast on these. I don't have this issue with any other bent~over row variation, so it's likely a quirk of the machinery. I don't think I'll be returning to this.

Bent~over flyes:
35 lb. dumbbells, 12 reps
3 sets

Weighted decline crunches:
50 lbs. of plates, 10 reps
4 sets

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Entry #361


RE upper~body

My weight is at 209 lbs., and this is off of creatine.

I did better than last time. It was my original intent to continue this method of where I am weakest at for an indefinite period of time, but it would be better to vary the sessions up. I'll do dynamic effort next week.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Entry #360

My back is feeling much better. I can attribute this to setting aside time every night for sets of static stretches. I've been rereading Pavel's book, and will continue to do so until I've memorized it.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Entry #359

RE Lower~body

George and I lifted at Pinnacle. He was strictly business, unlike the last company I went with.

I seem to have lost some strength, but that could merely be attributed to the drastically~reduced rest periods this session.

I also began loading on creatine and taking weightgainer for breakfast today.