Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Craziest day of life, by far. Missed Muay Thai because I went to to talk to my ex. Was physically threatened and got Coke dumped on me. As I drove away she phoned me and asked me to come back so I did. Nobody answered the door. Was there for about 10 minutes. When I got home I found that she had broke into my family's house while I was away, threw shoes off the porch for the second time now, threw a tablet in the trash, and ripped up my sister's succulents. Just got back now from the grocery store at 10:53 pm.

I did box squats for 330x3 and walkouts with 470 before. Leg AND mental training!


  1. Caught up with all the posts. You've been going through some crazy stuff in all directions. Glad to see the fight training continues to go on. Would love to get some footage sometime.

  2. Word. Thanks man, it's been a really positive factor in my life and something I've always wanted to do consistently but have never had the spare change for. I'm with you on getting some footage. I'll have to work that out.
